Thursday, August 02, 2007

All the world's a stage

When Shakespeare wrote the above line in his play As You Like It, he meant how as "merely players" we act differently while going through the various stages of life: infancy, childhood, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloon and second childhood. But I was struck with another meaning of the same phrase.

I was wondering how on a lot of occasions we put up an act.

It could be when we are showing off. Or when we are teasing someone behaving all the time as if we didn't understand a thing. Then are days when we don't want the world to know what we are going through inside and put up a big smile on our faces. You might be wanting to probably say a million things but you just hold yourself back. You could be hating someone and yet behave normally with them. Or you could be in love with someone and yet make light of it because eventhough they know you don't want them to know.

We indeed are extremely able in hiding our true feelings.

When the role demands we end up being great actors giving award winning performances.

PS: This is my 100th post and it took we a while to write it. I was in the same position as so many batsmen who are at 99 and are looking for that one run to score their century but find it hard to come by. I had to refrain myself from churning out a silly poem, putting down lyrics of a song and writing about a news clip in order to reach the landmark number. There are a lot more things I want to talk about which will be easy to do now that I've crossed the desired target.


Manipal said...

Gr8............... Whishes for u'r 100th post....
What is it mean "I've crossed the desired target" U hav reached, so u r not gng to do bloggingg? Wat r u hiding??????????????
Answer plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

i meant now that i've written my 100th post i can continue my job without feeling the importance of the number. :p

rudi said...

There are many hints in Shakespeare's plays that he means to go even further - much further. Not only do we need to act out many different roles as we pass through the different stages of life, and not only do we often hide what we truly think and feel, putting on an act instead, but even when we are completely truthful and open with ourselves and others, we are still deluding ourselves.

To Shakespeare ALL of life is a dream, an illusion - read this. This is entirely in line with the Indian spiritual tradition which says that ALL of creation is a dream, a play, an illusion. It is painful when you are caught up in it and take it for real (maya, illusion, suffering), but is exquisitely beautiful and enjoyable once its illusory nature has been realised (leela, divine play, bliss).