Thursday, May 14, 2009


I loved this cartoon strip as I sometimes really do behave like Garfield. Thankfully these days with lots of things on my hand and head like my pre-synopsis presentation, synopsis submission, wrapping up my Ph.D. thesis work, and worrying about it all, I have enough to force me to get out of bed every morning. I am however hoping that my lazy ways and days come soon again. :-)


Adit said...

Hmmm well hmmm that gives me lots to think about :-D I probably would say you can bid 'lazy ways' bye bye cause 'Tom n Jerry' is up next soon ;-) :-D lol.

Dr. Sudarsan Tamang said...

He he that’s funny! Humour is an important part of life, can’t imagine one without amidst all these 'threats' of ubiquitous joblessness, occasional helplessness, nerve-jangling loneliness, scot free diseases that come in all possible media (pigs, birds, affection, drugs, air, water….), potential riots to name a few.
Come rain or shine, Cheese!!!