Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ratatouille: change is nature

Yesterday evening I saw the movie Ratatouille (pronounced Rat-a-2-ee). I found it to be more than just a fun film. It taught me a great lesson through the story of Remy.

Remy is a rat - a rat with a gift. By simply smelling a dish he can tell what all ingredients went into making it. When rats are supposed to steal food for surviving he dreams to be a cook!! In the face of strong disapproval from his father Django, Remy sets out to turn his dream into a reality.

At one point in the film Django presents to Remy a bleak future by showing him a shop displaying dead rats killed by the rat poisons that it sold. But Remy does not waver. The following dialogues are then exchanged between father and son.

Remy: No. Dad, I don't believe it. You're telling me that the future is... can only be... more of this?
Django: This is the way things are. You can't change nature.
Remy: Change is nature, Dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.

What we want to become is indeed in our hands. All we've got to do is believe in our potential. We shouldn't let anyone set limitations to our goals. When feeling down we should remember the advice a bird had given to a mouse (in Stuart Little - 2)

"you are as big as you feel."

1 comment:

Manipal said...

Good post mitu..............