Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Success stories

Everyday while commuting the 10 minutes distance by road from my home to NCL I see hundreds of people. Many live in luxurious apartments and many more have an impoverished existence. But does this mean that only the ones with wealth are accomplished?

What about those people who struggle everyday but never give up? And those who continually work for a better future even while knowing they may never reach dizzying heights?

What about the father who always puts his family's needs before his own desires? And the ailing mother who forgetting her pain is always planning for her children?

What about the son whose eyes never miss his parents' selfless acts and does everything possible to fulfil their dreams? What about the daughter who when the time requires takes on all the responsibilities on her not so broad shoulders?

All these might not make to prime time news but aren't these success stories as well?

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