Sunday, May 20, 2007

Big Sis!

I have had a very sheltered life when I was in school, firstly because DPS Mathura Road was just a 10 min bus ride away from home and secondly because I had my elder sister with me. When I joined school in Nursery, Ulka was in class II. This probably made my parents feel at ease. But as my sister has told me many times I gave her a lot of grief. It was a ritual that when time would come for Ulka to leave me in classroom I would cry and not let her go not realising the trouble she could get into for being late in assembly.

Ofcourse things got better as I grew up. But then the problems that would crop up on occasions too got bigger. Once I was falsely accused of cheating and when I refused to accept my wrong deed by Hindi teacher wrote 0/80 on my answer sheet. I went for help to my sister during the break. She consoled me and even talked to that teacher. The whole incident ended on PTA (Parents Teacher Association) meeting when my parents took over the job.

Ulka's been a saviour on days when I'd be a bit afraid to ask things directly to Daddy. I'd then do it indirectly through Ulka. Like one evening two of my friends Kamakshi and Mallika landed at my place. Mallika was anyway spending the night at Kamakshi's home. And they asked me to join them. It was on the spur of the moment idea and so we were hesitant to go in front of Daddy. Ulka came to our rescue and faced Daddy who to our surprise readily agreed!!

Even today when I am old enough to take care of myself she feels very protective of me. Whenever Daddy goes on tour and I am alone at home Ulka will call me to check if I have closed all the doors of not. Just a few days back she was telling me that when the Pizza Hut guy comes to deliver I should take the pizzas through the grill at the door. I had to remind her that our grill is such that the delivery man would only be able to give me one pizza slice at a time.

I guess it all comes with her being my big sis. But then who is complaining here. :)

PS: There are ofcourse a thousand more memorable incidents but I'll save them for another time.


Azahar Machwe said...

a real nice and smooth post.. you should write a book or something :)

Anonymous said...

Elder sisters ROCK!!

Tuhina Adit Maark said...


I'd don't know about all elder sisters but mine surely does rock. :)