Saturday, November 18, 2006

Mom or Dad?

"Who do you like best? Mom or dad?"

I came across this question a day or two ago in the form of a posting written by a 10 year old girl on her blog

The answer to the above query is this phrase which my sister and I had concocted some years ago - "both are better".

Whenever I would return from school and later on from college I would give my day's report to Mummy. If I went out with my friends to watch a film then she would have to listen to my complete scene by scene narration. I once made her hear out my whole project report on the work that I'd done during the one month holiday (after my second year of graduation) that I'd spent in NCL. Only when I came to the end that I realized Mummy hadn't followed a word of it but she never stopped me from going on and on.

I am very close to Daddy now. Its just him and me at home what with my sister settled in Bangalore and Mummy watching us from the clouds up above.

Daddy is my friend, philosopher and guide all rolled into one. I enjoy going out to see movies with him and even shopping. If I am in nabad (the IITB slang for a nervous breakdown/great tension) then I just have to pour my heart out to Daddy. He always manages to give me the correct advice which solves my problem right at that moment.

Putting all the above in a line: I have had and am still relishing the best of both the worlds. :)


Azahar Machwe said...

Quite a revealing post.

I wonder if it is true that sons are closer to the mother and daughters to the father?

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

I think there's something in being called as your mother's boy and a daddy's girl. Today morning when one Uncle said that you've look like your mother while your sister has gone on your father I felt like trading places with my sister for once. :p

Anonymous said...

I really pity Uncle!!! How can he manage to listen u'r words????
I'm just jokingda!!! Dont u think I'm here to listen u'r words, with my ears covered with cotton.
-Sweet Lalitha

Gurveen Bedi said...

hey how do u knw nabad??IIT student?
me an IIT student too..