The above is R K Laxman's You Said It which came in Times of India a few days back. Funny though the cartoon might appear but it actually raises some very serious issues. One it talks about the poverty that is still rampant in India and two about the reckless way of living of those who are above the poverty line. It is the latter that I am going to discuss here.
When kids drunk in part by liquor and in part by their youth run their car over unsuspecting workers sleeping on the footpath they also in a way run over the families of these workers. On most occasions the news papers and news channels are able to create a stir among the public but justice is hardly ever delivered. I sometimes wonder how those guilty of taking a life can sleep peacefully at night and in the day be able to look everyone in the eye.
A friend of mine once proudly told me that he had could cross a road while just inches away from a bus! It left me completely aghast. Have people even stopped valuing their own lives?
What wouldn't some of us do to bring back a loved one that we've lost... to get some extra minutes or even seconds with them? Its a shame therefore to find someone putting his/her lives at stake just for experiencing an adrenaline rush that lasts only for a few moments.
I believe its time we realized the true worth of the life that we've been given. Its time we started caring again.