Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blast from the past

I don't think I have ever revealed here that I keep a diary. I've been writing since I was in class VIII. But unlike others and just like this blog, I don't write every day. Mostly something good or bad has to happen to compel me to pen down my thoughts. I never write mundane day to day happenings. That's why the diary that I had bought in December 2006 is still very much in use with a number of pages left to be filled.

A lot of people say that one should not live in the past but keep surging ahead. Yet one of my favourite pastimes is to read my old diary entries. I always find it great fun to turn back the pages and recall incidents that had left a mark on me. I end up laughing away to glory remembering things that had disturbed me then but now have lost their meaning. Then there are descriptions of those moments which were a source of joy and I find them to be as effective as before in bringing a smile.

I've come to believe that looking back is not so bad as long as you don't end up losing sight of what lies ahead. :)


Vibgyor said...

I sometimes read my old blog posts to remember good/bad feels good.

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

@VG: I do that as well. I guess we are fans of our own thoughts. Hehehe