Thursday, September 11, 2008

Can't hardly wait!

I can't hardly wait for one of my new year wishes of getting a stamp on my passport to come true. In a few hours from now I leave for Sydney to attend the 8th Triennial World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC) 2008. Along with presenting my work to an international audience and interacting with students and experts in my field, I also intend to do loads of sightseeing. Months back I had bought The Rough Guide to Sydney and have been reading it like a bedtime story book the past few weeks. I already know what I want to do, where all I want to visit, and what all I want to eat there.

Its a different thing that even after all the preparations I am feeling rather apprehensive about it. I guess I have waited for this for so long and have pictured a million things happening including meeting Aaaaakaaash (Aamir Khan's character in DCH who goes to Sydney!) on the flight that I am wondering how it will all eventually turn out.

I have heard that I needn't worry about it because during my stay I will for sure be falling in love... with the city. Sydney is supposed to be very me. In summary it will be laid back and beautiful. ;-)


Hiren said...

All the best !!!
Hope you find success and happiness in all you do in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! And all the best for your talk.