Friday, June 08, 2007

From fat to slim (1): facing facts

If you've read my few days old post Farewell Adipose then you'll know that I have for the first time in my life joined a gym! Its confirmed now that I am pretty overweight (:p) and need to reduce with a combination of excercises and diet control. As I set about to achieve this goal I've decided to write my experiences in this "new world" in the form of a series which I've titled From fat to slim.
Quoting Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music "lets start from the very beginning, shall we?"

For quite sometime now I'd known that I had put on weight speically since leaving IITB. But I always ignored the nagging in my mind. In the last one year it however became increasingly difficult to do so. I had the good fortune of having friends who brought me face to face with reality from time to time. Lots of suggestions were thrown my way. For example: I should not eat after 7 pm, that I should take sugar free tablets, that I should go for walks, that I should exercise, that I should join a gym and so on. Obviously all this did the needful though not immediately.

I first gave a thought to doing something about it around September last year. But the enthusiasm soon fizzled out. There was no gym close to home… I had a lot of work pending… I didn't want to get up early in the morning… I was also supposed to take one course work examination, attend two conferences and give an interview for Senior Research Fellowship. So I decided to postpone the idea until after New Year. Eventually even that came and went away and so did another 5 months!!

And then suddenly a few days back I was filled on my own (!!) with a strong urge to do something about my extra flab. I found that the gym was not too far away from NCL... my work pressure itself recently lessened... no conferences or interviews were in the pipeline... getting up 2 hours early didn't seem so huge any more.

I guess eventually it came to down to one thing and one thing alone. My finally facing the facts and following that up by taking action. A friend of mine had told me that no one else could make me do that. No amount of bribe, friendly banter or blackmail would work if your heart is completely against an idea. You have got to want to go for it yourself. This indeed was my first step in going from fat to slim.


Anonymous said...

"You do spend a lot of time on your research and even more on the internet (oops!), but how much do you spend for yourself?"
A friend of mine asked me something like this a couple of years ago, and it set me thinking: 'I'm just becoming a slob sitting on my a** all day in front of a computer; can't I spend just an hour for myself?'

I joined the gym very next day.

First few days were intimidating looking at the huge weights and the big guys with bulging biceps. But the sight of hot chicks exercising in their skimpy clothes acted like a charm: I was regular to the gym!

You probably still remember me as a 1-D figure from the IITB days. But coke and burger had done a lot of things on me in last few years. It was time I should have done something before it was too late.

Good luck with your gym!

Gurveen Bedi said...

hey..hope u succeed in leavin adipose behind ya:)