Monday, September 25, 2006

Idol worship

I remember that when I was in my final year of college some students during a group discussion declared that there are no idols left in our country to worship. What with so many politicians involved in some scam or the other and film personalities getting caught using dope and sports stars making money through ads while their stardom lasts, those students were not entirely wrong.

But they were not entirely right either.

By calling past as history we end up undermining its importance. Its time that we for a change look at the bygone era and search for our idols in the books that chronicle our fight for independence. We'll find great names like Gandhi, Nehru, Bose, Bhagat Singh and Azaad and many more. But all their sacrifices would have been in vain had the masses not joined forces with these leaders in India's freedom struggle. And therefore, I believe that one can find an idol even in an aam admi (a common man). All we have to do is look closely at the people around ourselves.

I've found my idols right in my home.

There are times when I don't listen properly to what my father is saying because I am more interested in what's coming on the tv standing in front of me. But there's never been a time when my father has done that to me. He is the most hardworking and honest man that I have come across in my life. Then there is my elder sister who like any elder sister can do no wrong. I try hard to be like her and talk like her while making presentations but I can't beat the original. :)

And how can one forget our mothers... their hearts filled with unconditional love... always putting the family first... always wanting the best for their children... many times giving up their own desires for our sake.

How about seeing an idol in our friends? Friends who jump with joy when we share a good news with them. Friends whom we can lean on in troubled times. Friends who continue to give proxy for us during attendance taken in classes, even after having got caught before. Friends who not only write their own assignments but ours as well so that we can spend one day less in the hostel, reach home a day early and at the same time not loose any credits for the home work.

Why not look up to our teachers who treat all students alike? Teachers who never say that they won't teach a particular student because he/she is not good. Lets learn something from their never failing enthusiasm at trying to get the best out of the worst bunch of kids.

Really there are many idols out there. We just have to open our eyes to acknowledge their presence.

After finally having accomplished the above task we should remind ourselves that an idol is not only meant for worshiping but also for emulating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so idolistic!!