In one of the earlier summer schools that I had participated in I was pointed out a certain flaw in the computational methodology that I was using. With that one comment my entire efforts of a good five months came crashing down. Of course I was horrified and full of remorse. But I also took advantage of the same school and set about discussing with the professors prospective solutions to my problem. I realized I would have to start all over again but with the confidence that I would be on the right track.
I am sure many students doing Ph.D in India will agree with me that getting funding for attending international conferences is not easy. Scientific agencies normally either cover just your travel or just accommodation expenses. In some cases the financial support is not large enough for managing both. The paper work required to receive the reimbursement after returning is tedious as well. But eventually the efforts turn out to be worth it.
My Ph.D. guide used to call these international conferences as melas (huge fetes) for the sheer size and magnitude at which they are organized. But it is exactly for these very reasons that I recommend one such tour to everyone. Only when you go out there you realize what a small speck you are even within your area of specialization. There is nothing like coming face to face with your competition. Watching speakers deliver keynote lectures to full houses instilled in me a dream to one day be up on the dias like them. If you have lost your drive this is a place where you will find it.
I had read somewhere that the best way to learn how to write a good scientific paper is to first find out what appeals to you as a reader. As I went through already published reports in my research field, I singled out the ones whose flow had me hooked till the last line. I took notice of the manner in which the authors discussed the reasons behind the conclusions from their results. This tremendously helped when I penned my own papers.
A common mistake which students make is not checking for bad spellings and grammar. Once deciding up on a journal find out what are the formatting requirements for your article. These days journals maintain detailed guidelines for authors on there websites. Some even keep suitable templates which you simply have to download and fit your paper in. Be particularly careful in the style of referencing used. Ask your friends and siblings to read the final result and take into consideration their views. Rejection on account of careless writing normally leaves a bad impression in the editors' mind for you and even more for your supervisor.
Normally students start the thesis writing process only after taking permission from their guides. But that shouldn't stop you from planning it way in advance. Midway in my Ph.D I drew an outline of how my thesis will be. I knew early on which papers I will be combining together and which dividing into different chapters. This listing also helped bring to my attention areas that needed more work to make my thesis complete.
Towards the end of 2008 I was nearing completion of my Ph.D but the last remaining part was like the elephant's tale refusing to come out of the hole. To motivate myself I began typing Chapter 2 - Theoretical background of my thesis. Indeed it brought a new vigour in my day to day activities. Furthermore, a couple of months later when I went head on into the writing mode after getting my Boss's nod it led to a speedy finish.
I request the students who are writing or about to begin, to love this act... to take joy in it. Decide on your own formatting scheme within the realm of rules of your university. Many like to add quotations in the epilogue and prologue. In my thesis I had a quotation for every chapter in tandem with its underlying chemistry theme. I spent days searching those perfect lines.
Remember, your thesis is going to be a compilation of your years of sweat and toil. Its cover is going to bear your name. So delve into it with passion. Then when it is ready you will proudly show it off to everyone. There will be a twinkle in your eye and a big smile on your lips that will refuse to leave. :)