Sunday, February 20, 2011

The social network

A few weeks back I was having a discussion with a friend about Facebook (FB). My friend thought that for most people FB is about showing off and receiving praise. Some people are so active, may be addicted that they feel compeled to announce every few hours what they are doing - sleeping or working, which party they are going to, and which restaurant they are dining at. How many of us can do without sharing our photos moments after returning from a holiday? Both the word of mouth publicity of a good film and bad mouthing of tainted politicians linked to a scam immediately happen through FB. We practically express every happiness, displeasure, anger first to the world instead of sharing with the person concerned.

The upside is that in a small measure you get to be a part of people's lives who are living not streets but countries apart. The connectivity makes the world appear smaller than it is. Seeing others' achievements and activities fills you up with your own dreams. Agreed when everybody may be celebrating heavy snowfall and you are living in the hottest place on earth, you are most likely to end up cursing your fate however wonderful a time you may be actually having. But when you do eventually get to experience the same snowfall you appreciate it more.

On the other hand when your friends' lives are so in your face it becomes difficult to sometimes concentrate on yours. You no longer wonder how it is on the other side of the fence, but are actually able to see the greener pastures there. In this process what we forget to realize is that on FB we only see what we get and what we get is what is "chosen" to be shown.

Can we claim that we really know what lies beyond the stretch of green grass presented to us? Haven't we all at one time or another worn a happy face in front of everyone even when we are anything but that? Haven't we all at one time or another said that all is well even when things are messed up? You may have hundreds of names on your contact list but only a select few would know the real deal. As a corollary, the same can be said for each of those names on your contact list.

I recently came across a blog and initially felt a little pinch at its popularity. I was bewildered how could the author of the blog write something worthwhile, thought provoking and delightful everyday. But as I read more and more I learnt that he had gone through a lot of difficulties in life and is still trying to get over them. He had weight issues as a child and was laughed at. He was bullied in high school. Eventhough he is only 30 he has already had two unsuccessful marriages.

Long ago I had expressed my jealousy on my blog. What someone had commented then, I finally understand and believe now. Before we judge others and complain to God we should count the many of our wishes He has already fulfilled. We should tell ourselves that in time He will give us more as long as we ask in faith.

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