Monday, February 09, 2009

True value

I have heard that to know the substance of a relationship you have to sometimes let go of it first. This normally has to do with us trying to hold on to that which is long gone.

People also say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. When you are away from someone you love, you end up falling even more deeply in love with them knowing what you are missing. Friendships that survive the gap of thousands of miles are according to me of the everlasting category. You might not be chatting everyday but these are the people who come to your help the moment you ask for it.

Occasionally we tend to take things for granted in the confidence and strong belief of our dreams' eventual culmination. A wake up call is much needed to remind us then of there real worth and for us to be thankful for what we have. I realized this today to my own peril.

I just about spoiled what I had been looking forward to for ages. "Just about" because finally the danger was averted and I could breathe a sigh of relief. But in that one hour when I thought that my flight of imagination was going to come crashing down, it dawned up on me a million times how much what was going to be snatched away meant to me.

It seems to me as if a loss or a near loss is the only way for us to find out what we truly value.


Anonymous said...

I guess your heart skipped a beat when you nearly evaded the flight crash ;-)

Tuhina Adit Maark said...

@Adit: Contrary to that my heart rate went up suddenly and many felt a blast of it. ;)